Monday, April 16, 2012

Cosmo the superdog!

Captain cool and I went out for lunch one day back in November. After having lunch we stopped at the local mall to check on a new J.C. Penney catalogue. They don't make them anymore. WTH! How am I supposed to fake shop all day and pretend I am going to have a room like in the book? *sigh*
While walking the mall ( which we never do) we ran into a fresh batch of puppies. I don't know why but this one puppy caught my attention and that was it...we have a superdog now by the name of Cosmo. He weighed all of 3 pounds when he came into our lives. Peeing on every inch of my house, running around like someone put a rocket in his butt, growling at nothing, barking at everything. What had I done?
I am a disabled person at the moment. Recovering from two major back surgeries in the past 16 months. This puppy was smaller then a step and couldn't climb one to save his furry little butt. The bending over all day to pick up the puppy , put the puppy out, clean up the puppies pee was almost too much. He didn't seem as cute then as he did in the mall.
Cosmo has been in our home for 5 months now. He is silly, stubborn, and very loving. He has finally mastered the leg lift when he pee's and has decided to use my garbage can as a full time fire hydrant. I have a puppy pad under it at all times. He loves his bed much more than any dog should, if you get my drift.
I truly believe I was sent to the mall that day to have this puppy save me. Making me get out of bed every day, making me tend to his needs, bending all day when I hurt and don't want to bend. I am not bored anymore because I have him to tell all my secrets to. I discuss that "No one gives a shit if Brad and Angelina are getting married and that after 7 years and 600 kids it about damn time!" Cosmo looks at me like this is fact and maybe he should bite someone over this issue.
He smells most of the time and looks like a frozen statue when he is given a bath. My type A personality doesn't enjoy allot of these things but I remind myself that he was sent to me for a reason. He is MY superdog.